Health Q&A

With news about the coronavirus (COVID-19) changing daily, as BQT, we are serious and care about the matter and learn what measures we can take to stay safe and the exact nature of the risks we’re facing.

What’s the most important thing for us to know when it comes to coronavirus? We should be informed and prepared, but not panic.

We encourage ourselves to not just rely on press and social media, but to go directly to the source. Make sure that we are paying attention to what local public health authorities are saying. We can find accurate information through the World Health Organization, and organizations like the Center for Disease Control in the U.S. There’s good information to be had.

NOT PANIC. That’s the hardest one for us to do. It can be concerning. When we read the press or see things on social media in the middle of an evolving outbreak like this, it can heighten anxiety. It is time to practice taking a deep breath and recognize that, although this is a new virus spreading across the world, it is like other viruses we have seen.

What should we do?

(*) We are prepared for winter camp with experiences of living under the cold weather

(*) Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

(*) Stay home, not going to camp, if you’re feeling sick.

(*) If you sneeze or cough, cover your nose and mouth - do it into the crook of your arm.

(*) If Virginia Health Department makes public announcement about the virus and advise not to gather in crowd, we will cancel the Winter Camp.